Angelo Bible College
You can enroll in Angelo Bible College as an undergraduate student. Student range is 18 years of age or older.
Admission Requirements:
You must have a high school diploma, a GED equivalent, or be an adult which qualifies on professional status. Professional status- student must maintain a “C” average during their first year.
Angelo Bible College Credentials:
State of Texas Charter Member:
Board of Higher Education of the State of Texas.
Approved to offer Divinity/ Theology degree through the Bachelor level.
Angelo Bible College is based upon the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Scriptures. II Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scriptures is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” The Scriptures are without error and are not to be added to, or superseded or changed by Traditions of Man.
God the Father is the Creator of Heaven and earth and the sustainer of all things.
The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry and filled the Church with power on the Day of Pentecost. This power will Transform and resurrect the Mortal bodies of believers into glory. There is only one way under Heaven to be saved and that is through Jesus Christ. Acts 4:12.
Angelo Bible College admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, and programs of the school.
Jesus gave the commandment in Matthew 28: 19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” We are taking the Gospel to the world to whosoever will read and study. With this program you will have the opportunity to become:
(1) An ordained Pastor, Minister, Evangelist, or Chaplain with a Bachelor’s degree and ordination certificate. Many avenues of Ministry are open to you.
External credits can be transferred to the school. On the school and credit hours obtained. Each course will be evaluated as to whether it will transfer. For those who have been Pastoring, 4 years of full time pastoring will equate to 60 hours of credit. That is the most that can be given associate pastors can be given some credit dependent on years of service and involvement in the Church.
Course Grading:
The objective of Angelo Bible College is to provide a system of study in which a student is to complete one course per month, and completes a year of college credit (30 hours) in eleven months. Students can work at a faster pace if the desire.
The grading scale is a letter scale: A, B, C, D, or F. ‘A’ being the highest you can receive and ‘F’ being the lowest. You will receive a grade for each course. You must maintain a 2.0 average to maintain your place in our school. Most colleges have a student layout one semester- 4 months- if they fall below a 2.0.
In order to receive a grade for a course all activities must be sent in for grading. This includes the test and all exit outcomes. This will be done via email. If all work is not complete then a grade of “F” will be given until work is completed. After a grade for a course is given Angelo Bible College will keep track of your progress. However, it is up to each student to keep track of their own work as well.
Each student should print copies of all of their work for future reference. The main goal is that you acquire knowledge of God’s word so that you may use it in your Ministry.
Divisions of Theology
- Old Testament Survey- BI 101
- New Testament Survey- BI 102
- Book of Acts- BI 103
- Studies in the Old Testament I- BI 104
- Studies in the Old Testament II- BI 105
- Faith Library- BI 106
- The Four Gospels- BI 107
- Church History I- BI 108
- Church History II- BI 109
- Doctrines of the Bible- BI 111
- The Holy Spirit: the Person, the Power, the Works- BI 204
- The Holy Spirit: the Fruit and the Gifts- BI 205
- The Pauline Epistles- BI 206
- The Prison Letters of Paul- BI 207
- The Book of Daniel- BI 305
- The Book of Revelation Survey- BI 306
- Hebrews and the General Epistles- BI 310
- The Biblical Doctrine of Heaven- BI 312
- I Corinthians Survey- BI 421-1
- II Corinthians Survey- BI 421-2
- Biblical Principles of Prosperity- EC 311
- Bible Hermeneutics- BI 412
Division of Ministry
- Prayer Dynamics- MN 201
- Patterns for Living- MN 203
- Pastoral Epistles- MN 208
- The Blood Covenant- MN 209
- Kingdom Restoration- MN 210
- The Works of the Holy Spirit- MN 303
- Knowing the Holy Spirit- MN 304
- God’s Devine Protection and Spiritual Warfare- MN 307
- Principles of the Kingdom of God- MN 308
- Homiletics- MN 414
- Triumphant Christian Living- MN 415
Division of Practical Ministry
- Soul Winning and Evangelism- EV 202
- The Doctrine of Healing- PM 309
Division of Christian Counseling
- Word Based Christian Counseling- CO 416
- Stress and Crisis Counseling- CO 417
- Value Clarification and Communication- CO 420
Commencement ceremonies are held on the last Saturday in June at 2:00pm at the school auditorium or a place designated.
Depending on your location and the feasibility of your attendance at graduation you are not required to attend. However, it is a special event with a cap and gown ceremony.
Ordination into the ministry is also done at the commencement ceremony if desired. A Bachelor’s of Arts degree in Theology would be conferred in the completion of the 120 hours of credit. An Associate’s degree is given for the completion of 60 credit hours.
Diplomas will be given to the graduates. However due to the expense there will be a charge for the cap and gown as well as the diploma. If there is an international shipping charge, that will need to be paid as well.